Welcome to YellowTaxi App

This application to reserve a Taxi for transportation inside Jordan, the first application licensed for public Taxi.

About Us

YellowTaxi Mobile App

The "Yellow Taxi" application is an innovative application that aims to improve and regulate the public taxi sector in Jordan. This application works to provide an advanced and convenient service for passengers and drivers alike, by providing an innovative delivery system that brings together drivers and passengers in a smooth and organized manner.

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Application target

The goal of "Yellow Taxi" comes as part of its endeavor to improve the public taxi experience in Jordan and modernize it to suit modern technologies. The application mainly targets public yellow taxis, offering them an opportunity to expand their customer circle and facilitate their access to passengers in a better and more effective manner.

How does the app work

The application works in a payment mode for a nominal fee, where users can download the application on their smartphones from the App Store, and after logging in, they can request a public yellow taxi easily and quickly. The application allows passengers to choose the place of departure and the desired destination, and after confirming the request, the available driver closest to them is determined.

Application advantages

One of the main advantages of "Yellow Taxi" is the convenience of the payment process. In addition to the traditional cash payment, the application allows users to pay for trips via the Click banking system or electronic wallets inside Jordan. This facilitates the process of money transfers and saves passengers time and effort.

Advantages for drivers

The "Yellow Taxi" system also includes features for drivers, whereby drivers can communicate with passengers easily and receive orders more efficiently. The application helps to improve the management of operations and achieve a balance between supply and demand, which leads to improved job opportunities and increased revenues for drivers.



Hours Of Support



This is a list of the company's senior management

Yaser Nazzal

Company Director (GM)

Ibraheem Abu khait

Technical information manager(TIM)

Abdul Rahim Fouad Awad

Director of Project Management

Kareem Shaheen

Administrative and Financial Director

Call To Action

To communicate during official working hours by phone, you can communicate at any time by filling out the questionnaire 24/7

Call To Action


You can communicate with us during official working hours. In the event of communication outside working hours, you can fill out the application and we will contact you within a working day.


University Street - opposite Karim Hypermarket

Building No. 23 (Al-Qaisar Complex), Third Floor

Call Us

(+962) 78 551 5055

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Open Hours

Sunday - Thursday

9:00AM - 05:00PM

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